NASM-Certified Nutrition Coach Certification (CNC)
Living healthy isn’t just about physical activity. It’s also about what we put in our bodies to fuel them. That’s why NASM spent years researching and developing the evidence-based Certified Nutrition Coach program. No fads or pseudo-science here. Just a comprehensive nutrition certification that teaches you the facts you need to make a genuine, long-lasting impact on your clients' nutrition.
The program provides all of the information you need to help maximize your client’s success and put them on a path to better eating. Meaning you’ll be able to answer the questions your clients have and address the real-world nutritional problems they face.
Not all Nutrition Certifications are created equal. That’s why NASM’s program includes the latest and most up-to-date information on nutrition science, behavior change strategies, and nutrition coaching strategies. As a certified nutrition specialist, you'll be able to guide clients seeking to improve their body composition, athletic performance, and their health through carefully crafted nutrition coaching that takes age, culture, socioeconomic status, and more into account.